New Shelving Part 2
So last time I showed the new shelves I put together for our living room. This last week I installed some LED lighting that really makes the Fiesta Colors pop! I could not be happier with it. The amazing part was that it was very simple and cheap using a few things I found on Amazon. All together I spent about $30 on the parts and 2 hours putting it together. Could have been faster but I took my time as it was my first time doing this. Here is the cabinet empty and without lights.
Then here it is with lights
At first you might be thinking that it really does not make that much difference but let me show you with dishes, off and on
Still looks good...but wait for it...
And this was in a darker corner than the first picture. The LED lights come with a dimmable switch as well. Here are a couple of other pictures after my wife swapped out stuff for Christmas.
We like it so much I am getting enough stuff to do our other cabinet and a curio cabinet that desperately needs light as well. We will put up pictures after they are done so you can see. Let me know if you are interested in the technical side as well. If so I will post a step by step along with the exact items in another post.
Happy Holidays!!
Please share what parts you need for this and how you did it. It’s gorgeous!!!